Description | Kelvin Temp | Catalog Number | |
Candelight | 1900°K | 19TC | |
Golden White | 2300°K | 23TC | |
Sunrise | 2400°K | 24TC | |
Incandescent | 2500°K | 25TC | |
Warmtone | 2700°K | 27TC | |
Warm White | 2900°K | 29TC | |
Warmlight | 3000°K | 30TC | |
Soft White | 3500°K | 35TC | |
Satin White | 4200°K | 42TC | |
Ice White | 6300°K | 63TC | |
Daylight | 8300°K | 83TC | |
Pink White | N/A | PW | |
Deep Blue | N/A | DB | |
Sky Blue | N/A | SB | |
Aqua | N/A | AQ | |
Turquoise | N/A | TQ | |
Green | N/A | GR | |
Light Green | N/A | LG | |
Gold | N/A | GD | |
Yellow | N/A | YL | |
Salmon | N/A | SL | |
Purple | N/A | PR | |
Pink | N/A | PK | |
Red | N/A | RD | |
Orange | N/A | OR |
Please note: this color chart provides an approximate representation of lamp colors and should be used as a guide only. For actual illuminated samples, please contact a Cathode Lighting Systems sales representative.